Monday, April 9, 2012

Easter Fun

Almost three weeks since I last visited here.  Initially I was busy but didn't have a lot to write except the menu so decided to forgo that for a bit. 

I do have several things to share here but will drag them out a bit over the few week or so to avoid being to long winded. 

I will start with the most recent though I think and work back.  As this is titled "Easter Fun" I thought I would share one of my "80" projects that I started a few years back.  The Easter table Runner. 

Like many craft or projects go, as was the case for my Valentine Wall hanging I was in a store and saw an adorable Easter Table Runner.  The price was crazy and I just knew I could make it cheaper.  So off I went to the fabric store and purchased all these cute springy colors and patterns along with some Easter themed fabric.  Got home and well, nothing.  Easter came and went and no runner.

The next year rolled around and I took it out, cut out some egg and bunny shapes, pined them to the fabric and was tired of it.  Easter came and went and no runner.

Well, as you can imagine, the whole Finishing idea that entered my head a few months back got me excited to pull it all out and start again.  I grabbed the pile of fabric and forgot what I had started and realized I no longer liked what I did prior.   I scrapped the whole thing and started from scratch.  I opted to do a more simplified version and went to town.  I cut all my fabric and went to my sewing machine.   (We are about an hour in so far.)  This is where I normally get sidetracked after doing all the prep work.  Well not this time.

I grabbed my sewing machine to get down to the fun part and OMG my machine was broken.  Seriously!  I was crushed.   I though for sure Easter would come and go again. 

Jump forward 2 days, found a great repair shop, inexpensive and got it serviced to boot.    I finished the runner with a few days to spare.  So happy with the finished product.  Woo Hoo!!!

I did several 2" x 7" strips and sewed them in a 8 rows.  I tried to have them alternate, but once all was put together, as you can see, there were some repetitive sections.  I did a border and back in creme fabric so I can reverse it and use for other occasions.   The pictures don't show the Easter print well but it is there.

For Easter we went to our friends and I made some fun cup cakes.  Here is a sneak peek but will blog that one tomorrow.  Great recipe so come back and see.

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