What is Monkey Mind? Steve explained to our friends and I one night a few months back that we were all living in this state of mind. To sum it up, it is a Buddhist term meaning "unsettled; restless; capricious; whimsical; fanciful; inconstant; confused; indecisive; uncontrollable". I researched this term and there are blogs and books and sorts of stuff about "Taming the Monkey Mind".
Every time the four of us get together, which is pretty often we tend to go in several directions from the perfect place to live, house ideas, future vacations, the past and overall discussions about anything other than what is happening right now.
The idea of a Monkey Mind is to not have one. If you are thinking about the past not just in a fond memory but in a regretful way of how things were, rosy and sunshine or you are thinking of the future in a wistful way, all rosy and sunshine, you aren't living for today.
We decided we would try to live in the moment. Appreciate today and all it has to offer. Needless to say, that lasted all of a few hours. We now joke that we are having a Monkey Mind moment and it is our new term for our discussions.
I don't think I look back and have regrets, but I am definitely in a constantt state of tomorrow. Aren't we all.
I do regret this hair though from my childhood. Seriously, in 7th grade today, girls look much more put together. I think I cut my own bangs and burnt my forehead curling them. Crazy look.
For the rest of today, I am going to think about today. It is baby steps. Off to cook dinner and think about just dinner, then just the evening walk, and then just the book I will read, and just my shower. See I am already in the future. There is something to be said for slowing down and smelling the roses.
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